Before I extol the virtues of this profession, I wanted to reiterate a few things, to cull the truly faint-of-heart from proceeding any further down this career path. There are a lot of terrible facets to working in social media. Go read my original post if you think I’m kidding. From 24/7 availability, to the overemphasis on numbers, to having very little room for errors, social media is stressful af.
Read MoreNo doubt you heard or read about the “sexist Google memo” this weekend. You know, the one written by a software engineer that basically states women can’t do tech. Because of biological differences between the sexes, of course.
Read MoreFacebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest. These are the candy-colored social networks upon which brands are forced to build their empires. And swelling the ranks of marketing departments everywhere are social media managers, answering the clarion call of the 21st century, here to build the new empires their #brands so desperately crave. Hailed as technologically savvy, pop culturally relevant, and the saviors of customer acquisition, social media managers have a big job to do.
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