Before I extol the virtues of this profession, I wanted to reiterate a few things, to cull the truly faint-of-heart from proceeding any further down this career path. There are a lot of terrible facets to working in social media. Go read my original post if you think I’m kidding. From 24/7 availability, to the overemphasis on numbers, to having very little room for errors, social media is stressful af.
Read MoreYes, this is another post about the orange chowderhead who somehow, by the grace of some 70,000 votes, is now the leader of the free world.
Read MoreEnter Museum Hack. The rebellious love child of team-building exercises and traditional docent-led jaunts gone delightfully awry, their “renegade tours” are the ideal antidote for jaded New Yorkers looking for a new perspective on one of our city’s premier educational institutions/essential tourist destinations/mandatory family fun outings.
Read MoreI was on the New York City subway the other day, around 1 PM, which is a supremely odd time to be on the subway, because all of the office workers, one of whom I used to be, aren’t on the train then. They’re at work, or probably on their lunch breaks, and I sincerely hope they’re taking that time for themselves. But I digress.
Read MoreI did everything millennials were instructed to do, in the name of attaining the American Dream and Everlasting Happiness. I went to college. I got my degree. I even landed some stellar internships at major networks. I thought I’d be good to go when I left school, and entered the real world with student loan debt — bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and ready to Have It All.
Read MoreA year ago, I’d never seen roller derby. Said boyfriend brings me to a game, and I’m blown away. Derby skaters are badass women who know how to give and take a hit. They work together quickly, flawlessly, violently, blocking their opponents while their scoring players rack up points. The passion these women feel for their sport is matched by hundreds of supporters in attendance. I’m smitten. I’m not doing anything outside of work, and work is increasingly soul-crushing. I decide right there and then. I would skate, even if it killed me.
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